our history

The story of the
Rose of Sharon Pentecostal Church…
So much to tell, so little space to say it in.  The Rose of Sharon Church has an incredible story.  It is amazing what God has done at this church, starting with the miracle of how it all began.

The Rose of Sharon is a bilingual church founded in 1981 by the late Sr. Pastor Janie Robles and the late co-pastor Angeolina Quiroga. Pastor Robles was called by God to love his people and a dream and vision grew inside of her to reach as many souls for Christ in Bay City and surrounding areas as possible. She and Co-Pastor Quiroga moved to Van Vleck, Texas and began the diligent duty of building a church for the community to attend. Within a short time, these two women were able to attract members who would work beside them to begin this legacy.

The legacy began…
The church quickly began to grow and the members worked hard to complete the building in 1985. since the completion, the church has celebrated over 40 years of service to God and for the community. The Rose of Sharon is proud to have had these inspiring women lead them in their spiritual walk.  Pastor Janie Jo Robles Lopez Originales with the help of the congregation continue to work together to reach those in need.

Reaching those in need…
Today, the Rose of Sharon believes that God has a plan and purpose for each one of us and that one day we will reunite with our heavenly father. The church welcomes you with open arms and looks forward to seeing the wonderful things God has for you.

Pillars of the church, now passed to spend eternity with our father, but never to be forgotten:
Brother Joe Robles (above right), S
ister Angeolina Quiroga (above right), Sister Josie Garcia (left), left to right below, Brother Jay Robles, Sister Andrea Trevino, Sister Elena Huerta, Brother Raymundo Huerta.  Others not shown are Brother Juan Lopez and Sister Macaria Garza.